Friday 22 May 2015, our Brisbane team took part in a community day with Mission Australia at Roma House.
The team worked together to transform the front garden of Roma House into a more tranquil and homely space. The garden makeover included clearing the current garden, establishing a new garden bed, filling with soil and planting seedlings and mulch.
Mission Australia works to reduce homelessness and strengthen communities across Australia, by helping people secure jobs, receive an education, find housing and develop important life skills.
Supported by Mission Australia, Roma House provides temporary accommodation and intensive trauma-informed support to homeless individuals with complex needs. Rather than just providing a bed for the night, Roma House supports people to get back on their feet and build a better future for themselves. For more information on Roma House and how they help the Brisbane homeless community click here.
We are proud to assist Mission Australia on an annual basis and making a difference in our communities.
Our next community day is Thursday 28 May 2015, where our Perth team will be taking part in the 65 Roses Challenge for the Cystic Fibrosis WA. For more information click here.