PAS 55 Alignment for CBH | Assetivity

CBH is a large agribusiness which owns and manages one of the most sophisticated grain storage and handling networks in the world, providing an efficient, safe and competitive service to growers cultivating grain over more than 300,000 square kilometres.

Recognising the criticality of its large portfolio of physical assets in delivery of value to its growers, CBH sought to develop and improve its Asset Management processes with the aim of establishing “joined up” asset management across both the entire organisation and the entire life cycle of each asset.

CBH identified the PAS 55:2008 asset management “standard” as a suitable benchmark and sought our assistance to align its Asset Management System (AMS) with the requirements of this standard and “best appropriate” practice.

The challenge

  • Benchmark asset management at CBH against the requirements of PAS 55
  • Develop a roadmap of actions to strengthen CBH’s asset management practices
  • Aid CBH to implement the required actions and monitor success

Improving Asset Management Processes

  • Leveraged our status as an IAM Endorsed Assessor to baseline CBH’s asset management maturity using the internationally applied PAS 55 Assessment Methodology (PAM) tool.
  • Facilitated a series of workshops to identify asset management objectives aligned with the organisational strategy and objectives, refine and prioritise strategic initiatives to deliver these objectives and establish a basis for detailed planning at the asset class level.
  • Coached, trained and advised CBH personnel in the delivery of the strategic initiatives, taking care to focus on knowledge transfer into the organisation and provision of tools. In particular, we provided support in the following areas:
    • Preparation of an asset management framework documents, describing the AMS and built around the strategic Asset Management planning process as illustrated below
    • Development of asset class asset management plans and associated tracking tools.
    • Advice on life cycle costing processes.
    • Coaching for the reliability manager
  • Facilitated workshops to review and update of Asset Management Strategy

The outcome

Provided a comprehensive audit report identifying both strengths and weaknesses through an asset management maturity assessment as illustrated below.

Developed a suitable Asset Management Strategy to document and communicate the asset management objectives and strategic initiatives, enabling personnel to achieve day to day performance but also allocate time and resources to strategic improvements.

Established an Asset Management Framework that clearly articulated how asset management would contribute to the achievement of organisational objectives, providing clear direction, priority and focus for the organisation.

Developed template and tools for various needs, including asset management plans, key performance indicators and maintenance data capture.

Provided critical coaching to enable a non-specialist to grow into the role of reliability manager.

The benefits

Improved the overall organisational understanding of Asset Management, including both the benefits and how to go about achieving them.

Reduced organisational risk by identifying and tracking the completion of high priority improvements, including some safety- related items.

Allowed CBH to demonstrate sound governance over its assets to its owners.

Established a basis for informed decision making about the organisation’s assets, including both construction and disposal and based on utilisation and condition data.

Ready to get the best value from your assets?

We offer a comprehensive range of consulting services relating to maintenance, reliability and asset management. If your needs are comparatively straight forward, we have standardised approaches for delivering these services that provide demonstrated results as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. Browse our services below to explore how we can help to achieve your goals.

The Client


Perth, Western Australia

CBH is a large agribusiness which owns and manages one of the most sophisticated grain storage and handling networks in the world.

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