Evaluating the need for ISO 55001 certification | Assetivity

The client

Pioneer Energy is a supplier of local and renewable energy solutions across New Zealand, but particularly on the South Island. Owned by the Central Lakes Trust, Pioneer Energy supplies industry and the public with a diverse range of energy solutions, including hydro-electric, wind, landfill gas, steam generation and wood chip.

The opportunity

Pioneer Energy was on a journey to achieve certification to the ISO 55001:2014 asset management standard (which it achieved in 2019). As part of its asset portfolio supported by the Asset Management System, Pioneer Energy owned and operated several unattended boilers whose operation and maintenance was required to be certified to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) standard. The requirement for ISO 9001 certification is called out in the New Zealand Department of Labour Approved Code of Practice for The Design, Safe Operation, Maintenance and Servicing of Boilers, Amendment No 1 of December 2004; commonly known as the Boiler Approved Code of Practice (ACOP).

Consequently, with boilers defined as assets within the scope of Pioneer Energy’s Asset Management System, we asked the question:

“When Pioneer Energy is certified to ISO 55001, do they still require ISO 9001 certification for the operation and maintenance of each of their limited-attendance/ unattended boilers?”

How we helped

Pioneer Energy did not know the answer to this question and we were engaged to find out. In seeking the answer, we performed the following:

  • Examined and verified the compliance requirements of the ACOP under the current NZ HSW Act. While Codes of Practice are called out under New Zealand occupational health and safety legislation, under the current NZ Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSW Act), the Act clearly states that an ACOP is not legally binding, but rather provides guidance that supports the Law and can be used in legal proceedings;
  • Mapped the requirements of ISO 55001:2014 to ISO 9001:2015 identifying common, similar and unique aspects of the standards;
  • In comparing the specific requirements of ISO 9001:2015 to those of ISO 55001:2014, uncovered any areas of non-conformance that Pioneer Energy needed to address through its Asset Management System efforts to provide sufficient evidence of full compliance to ISO 9001;
  • Provided recommendations of actions Pioneer Energy could undertake to close any identified gaps in compliance to ISO 9001:2015.

We concluded that with an Asset Management System in place certified to ISO 55001, there would be no requirement or need for Pioneer Energy to pursue individual ISO 9001 certification for any of its limited-attendance/ unattended boilers boiler sites. The HSW Act allows a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking to introduce evidence of compliance with the HSW Act in a manner that is different from the ACOP, but provides a standard of work health and safety that is equivalent to or higher than the standard required in the code. Pioneer Energy’s ISO 55001 certified Asset Management System provides that evidence, demonstrating compliance with the Act and maintaining standards equivalent to or higher than that required by the Boiler ACOP.

Deliverables and benefits

With Pioneer Energy gaining ISO 55001 certification, there was proven to be no longer a need for individual ISO 9001 certification for four limited-attendance/ unattended boiler sites. As a result, Pioneer Energy achieved a saving in recertification and surveillance audit costs, along with a reduction in Pioneer Energy staff time that was previously needed to support each individual audit activity, while still ensuring compliance with legislation and maintaining the required standards of work health and safety.

If you would like an independent assessment of the maturity of your Asset Management practices within your organisation, contact us now and talk to one of our expert consultants.

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The Client

Pioneer Energy

New Zealand

Pioneer Energy is a supplier of local and renewable energy solutions across New Zealand, but particularly on the South Island.

"Assetivity did a really thorough job on this piece of work for us, which has saved our staff a lot of additional paperwork."

Yvonne Malcolm
General Manager, Assets and Compliance
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