Maintenance budgeting: overcoming real world challenges

Ever had trouble justifying your maintenance budget to your accountants? Is it difficult to explain why it's better not to know when maintenance will occur?

Brisbane team day at Belmont Shooting Complex

Our Brisbane team enjoyed a fun day out at Belmont Shooting Complex last Friday. Check out some of the photos from the day, Jan even got a bullseye!

Maintenance supervisors: driving safety, effectiveness & efficiency

Maintenance supervisors are key players in the safe and efficient execution of maintenance, but we see shortfalls in their performance in many organisations.

Certification against ISO 55001 – Implementing ISO 55000

Let's discuss how to get your asset management system certified. This will be critical information if your organisation is aiming to align with ISO 55001.

Using ISO 55000 and integrated information systems to drive...

One of the key tenets of ISO 55000, the global asset management standard, is that organisations perform better when functions of the entire team are aligned.

The roadmap to ISO 55001 compliance – Implementing ISO...

Once you have committed to compliance with ISO 55001, you should gain an understanding of where the major gaps in your asset management system are.

Asset management data and decision making – Implementing ISO...

A vital element of effective asset management is decisions that are evidence-based and data-driven. Let's discuss these elements in the context of ISO 55001.

Is the PF Interval relevant in the world of...

With real-time asset health monitoring equipment, and the advent of predictive analytics and big data, is the PF Interval really relevant anymore?

Challenges of configuration management in the age of automation

Automation is being adopted by many organisations that may be new to the concept of configuration management. How should they address this challenge?

Asset management plans: less is more

Asset management is recognised as a critical contributor to value across a wide variety of industries. A shorter, simpler plan can often lead to ideal results.

We wrapped 1,120 roses for cystic fibrosis

Yesterday, the Perth Assetivity team broke their record for wrapping roses for Cystic Fibrosis WA.

Asset management plan template

There is no single “right way” to structure an asset management plan, but this AMP template will help you create one that will work for your organisation.

Asset management policy template

We have prepared an editable asset management policy Word template for your convenience, so you can create a policy that works for your organisation.

Asset management competence – Implementing ISO 55000

First, we need to identify the current level of asset management competence, then bridge the gaps with the level of competence required of the position.

5 tips for more effective maintenance planning and scheduling

The objective of good maintenance planning and scheduling is to allow maintenance personnel to perform required tasks in a safe, timely and cost effective manner.

Current uses of predictive analytics in asset management

Let's look at the current application of predictive analytics in asset management, and identify if there are any benefits to be gained when doing so.

5 questions to ask before you adjust the frequency...

It can often appear that there is significant money to be saved by increasing the interval between shutdowns. Here are 5 key questions you should ask first.

How good is your materials catalogue?

To do maintenance effectively, we need to make sure we have the right quantities of the right spare parts and materials in the right place at the right time.

We helped to provide safe drinking water in Uganda

Our team took part in a program that creates water filtration systems, and the filters we created are on their way to the village of Sironko in Uganda.

We helped Food Bank to feed the hungry

Food Bank relies heavily on volunteers like us to pack food orders and also do light warehouse duties. This month we packed meals to help the hungry in our...

How to manage the life cycle of your classified...

Let's discuss the key activities associated with the acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal of classified plant and equipment.

5 steps to optimise your lubrication program

What is good lubrication, and what is the cost of doing it wrong? In this article, we will look at 5 simple steps to improve your lubrication program.

Why we’d like to #thankanengineer

To celebrate Global Engineer Day, we compiled our thoughts on what has impressed us in terms of engineering innovation, and what influenced us to become engineers.

Maintenance KPIs: the good, the bad and the ugly

KPIs are often linked to personal performance. They are a measure of personal success and a key driver for incentives. But is a 'green' KPI always good?

Key asset management processes – Implementing ISO 55000

The asset management planning and decision making process is a key process for successful asset management, but what other processes should we draw from?

Leadership organisation for effective asset management – Implementing ISO...

Let's explore how to build an asset management organisation, how to build an appropriate workforce structure, and how to lead it to success.

Asset management planning for electronic equipment

For electronic assets, we can do a few mechanical based tasks to prevent mechanical modes of failure that will cause the device to functionally fail.

How to sustain a positive culture while reducing maintenance...

How do you keep your maintenance team morale positive, focused and proactive? Here are 5 tips for maintenance leaders on how to improve performance.

We welcome Troy to our summer vacation program

We are excited to welcome Troy De Knock to our Perth team. Troy joins us to take part in our 12 week summer vacation program.

Integrating and aligning foundation documents – Implementing ISO 55000

Let's explore how to establish an integrated planning approach that will generate cohesive planning documents, based on what we’ve seen work (and fail) in practice.

Paula completes triathlon for breast cancer

Paula Birdsall and her daughters took part in the Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink event yesterday, Sunday 8th November 2015.

We partnered with Mission Australia

On Friday 9th October, our Perth team created Christmas hampers and care packs for Mission Australia.

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