Is the PF Interval relevant in the world of...

With real-time asset health monitoring equipment, and the advent of predictive analytics and big data, is the PF Interval really relevant anymore?

Challenges of configuration management in the age of automation

Automation is being adopted by many organisations that may be new to the concept of configuration management. How should they address this challenge?

Asset management plans: less is more

Asset management is recognised as a critical contributor to value across a wide variety of industries. A shorter, simpler plan can often lead to ideal results.

Asset management competence – Implementing ISO 55000

First, we need to identify the current level of asset management competence, then bridge the gaps with the level of competence required of the position.

5 tips for more effective maintenance planning and scheduling

The objective of good maintenance planning and scheduling is to allow maintenance personnel to perform required tasks in a safe, timely and cost effective manner.

Current uses of predictive analytics in asset management

Let's look at the current application of predictive analytics in asset management, and identify if there are any benefits to be gained when doing so.

How good is your materials catalogue?

To do maintenance effectively, we need to make sure we have the right quantities of the right spare parts and materials in the right place at the right time.

5 steps to optimise your lubrication program

What is good lubrication, and what is the cost of doing it wrong? In this article, we will look at 5 simple steps to improve your lubrication program.

Maintenance KPIs: the good, the bad and the ugly

KPIs are often linked to personal performance. They are a measure of personal success and a key driver for incentives. But is a 'green' KPI always good?

Key asset management processes – Implementing ISO 55000

The asset management planning and decision making process is a key process for successful asset management, but what other processes should we draw from?

Leadership organisation for effective asset management – Implementing ISO...

Let's explore how to build an asset management organisation, how to build an appropriate workforce structure, and how to lead it to success.

Asset management planning for electronic equipment

For electronic assets, we can do a few mechanical based tasks to prevent mechanical modes of failure that will cause the device to functionally fail.

How to sustain a positive culture while reducing maintenance...

How do you keep your maintenance team morale positive, focused and proactive? Here are 5 tips for maintenance leaders on how to improve performance.

Integrating and aligning foundation documents – Implementing ISO 55000

Let's explore how to establish an integrated planning approach that will generate cohesive planning documents, based on what we’ve seen work (and fail) in practice.

What makes a good asset management plan? – Implementing...

In this article we discuss how to create a good asset management plan that will work for your organisation.

What is ISO 55000? – Implementing ISO 55000

The ISO released its first series of standards on asset management in 2014. What is commonly referred to as "ISO 55000" is really a suite of three documents.

How to start implementing ISO 55000

Let's discuss how to start the journey towards implementing an ISO 55001 compliant asset management system, and what you need to consider before you start.

Asset management fundamentals

Asset management is based on 4 fundamentals that were agreed during the development of ISO 55000. This short video will help you understand these fundamentals.

Visualising the international asset management standard, ISO 55001

ISO 55001 contains a lot of words, and no pictures or graphics. This video visually explains the key elements of ISO 55001 and how they fit together.

Thinking holistically – 5 keys to lean maintenance and...

Let's think more broadly about factors that influence maintenance productivity, including the other departments that interact with maintenance.

Creating the environment for success – 5 keys to...

Changing organisational culture is difficult and takes considerable time. Let's discuss the methods of leadership and performance measures that can help.

Managing human error in maintenance

Using the latest research and practical experience, let's outline the ways maintenance managers can reduce or eliminate the impact of human error.

Equipment criticality analysis: a streamlined approach

Let's explore a streamlined approach for determining equipment criticality, which achieves the desired results while consuming less of your time.

4 quick tips for leading an ISO 55000 implementation

If you’ve made the commitment to implement an asset management system, then your organisation is going to need a leader who can execute it.

Continuous improvement – 5 keys to lean maintenance and...

If your maintenance function is already succeeding, there are three key areas in which continuous improvement can further improve maintenance productivity.

Equipment criticality analysis: is it a waste of time?

Most organisations identify "critical" assets extremely poorly, and the effort that they put into these assessments is mostly wasted. Let’s examine why.

Doing the work right – 5 keys to lean...

Once we’ve determined the work that needs to be done, the work needs to be executed efficiently and effectively to get the best from our limited resources.

What does good maintenance planning and scheduling look like?

Anybody and everybody can have a work management framework within their organisation, but what needs to be considered to make this framework good?

Doing the right work – 5 keys to lean...

Even with mature preventive maintenance programs, there are opportunities to reduce maintenance time while simultaneously improving performance and reliability.

Alternative approaches for developing and optimising preventive maintenance

Let's explore a range of alternative approaches for organisations and individuals to use when developing and optimising preventive maintenance programs.

4 key reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and preventive maintenance...

Here are four core concepts which apply to the development of effective preventive maintenance programs, no matter what approach you use.

5 keys to lean maintenance and improved maintenance productivity

Many asset intensive companies do not understand that the principles of measuring productivity can be applied internally to their maintenance programs.

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