Why we'd like to #thankanengineer | Assetivity

To celebrate Global Engineer Day on 24th Feb 2016, we have compiled our thoughts on why our team would like to #thankanengineer, what has impressed them in terms of engineering innovation, and what influenced them to become engineers themselves.

I became an Engineer because they do an awesome job of designing, building, operating and maintaining all of the equipment and facilities that we often take for granted, that allow us to enjoy the lifestyle that we do.

I was influenced to become an Engineer in order to develop the ability to combine both technical knowledge, people and management skills and to be able to apply these skills to make improvements to the performance of organisations.

The developments and innovations helping the world’s poorest people with access to basic necessities, such as clean water and electricity has impressed me.

Sandy Dunn

Engineers are a key part of turning our scientific knowledge into practical wisdom. They take laboratory results and turn them into real world products that contribute to people’s health, wealth and happiness.

I was influenced to become an Engineer because I have always loved maths and science, and I get a kick out of solving problems, particularly when it requires creative application of knowledge.

Developments and innovations such as Smartphones have impressed me, the idea that most of the world’s knowledge is accessible from a device I carry in my pocket is incredible. Being able to talk to people is also handy from time to time.

Scott Yates

I want to thank an Engineer for inspiring me become an Engineer! I was influenced to become an Engineer due to my interest in Maths and Science at school.

Engineering developments and innovations such as 3D computer-aided design and simulation, Internet of things and Smartphones have impressed me.

Sid Mandloi

I’d like to thank John O’ Sullivan who laid the foundation for WI-FI. I was influenced to become an Engineer because when I was a child I enjoyed tinkering with stuff to find out how it works and then never being able to put it back together again.

Engineering developments and innovations such as making flying through the air safer than driving on the ground has impressed me.

Jakob Verhoef

I would like to thank an Engineer for developing Satellites.

I was influenced to become an Engineer because the work is challenging and enjoyable. Engineering developments and innovations such as digital imaging has impressed me.

Stephen Renshaw

I would like to thank an Engineer for all the modern convenience in our life, especially cars. I was influenced to become an Engineer due to my hobbies, my interests and my Dad.

I am constantly impressed with all the cool stuff Engineers create.

Julianto Gunarno

I would like to thank an Engineer for plumbing.

I was influenced to become an Engineer due to all the possible career options it offered. It impresses me that developments and innovations never stop and that it is almost impossible to know what ‘technology’ will look like in 20 years.

Amelia McIntyre

I would like to thank engineers for buildings.

I chose to become an engineer because other professions seemed boring in comparison. I am always impressed when doctors and engineers work together to form medical solutions.

Troy De Knock
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