Our top 5 articles of 2021 | Assetivity

Thanks to the hard work of our expert consultants, we published a total of 36 new articles this year. This was a monumental effort, and took great advantage of each of our consultants’ own personal experience in asset management, maintenance and reliability.

Our goal this year, as with any year, is to provide you with practical, insightful information that can help you to implement better maintenance, reliability and asset management processes within your organisation. We are continuing to strive towards providing you with useful and accessible information – but which of our articles were the most effective in achieving this?

To answer this question, we present our most popular articles of 2021.

5. 7 tips to become a strong reliability leader

It doesn’t matter where in the organisation structure you are, you have the capability to influence others – and this is at the core of leadership.

In this article, Sandy Dunn offers 7 quick tips to influence a shift towards improved reliability within your organisation.

4. Are your KPIs supporting your processes, or just measuring the outcomes?

Usually KPIs focus on the outcomes of our processes, but if we aim to manage processes for more predictive outcomes, we need to develop KPIs that support them.

In this article, Hylton Robson questions the effectiveness of common maintenance KPIs, and offers a different perspective that could lead to better alignment with business objectives.

3. How to align reward systems with strategic goals

Want to encourage change within your organisation? Here are some tips to build a successful environment and answer the question: “what’s in it for me?”

Continuing on the topic of performance management, Sandy Dunn offers his view on managing change in order to create a drive for improved reliability and productivity.

2. How to build a business case for reliability improvement

Let’s examine how you might estimate the costs and benefits associated with a reliability improvement program, to develop a sound business case.

To persuade upper management of the benefits of improved reliability, it is often worth appealing to them in their own language – in this article Sandy Dunn explores how to put a dollar value on the outcome of a reliability improvement program.

1. What does a reliability engineer do?

Reliability engineers should be focused on guidance, analysis and improvement – not on managing the day-to-day execution of maintenance tasks.

In this article, Heinrich Vorster offers his take on the role of reliability engineers, and how it may differ from tasks that are commonly allocated to them.

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