Community articles | Assetivity

We love doing our part to help the local community.

Our team regularly takes part in “community day” activities, either by assisting local charities, taking part in local and national fundraising events, or simply building our team culture by having some fun.

Supplying food for those in need with Foodbank WA

Last Thursday, our team had the privilege of spending a day at the Foodbank WA Centre for Hunger Relief.

We trimmed and wrapped over 1000 roses for Cystic...

Last Thursday we were thrilled to once again participate in the preparation for 65 Roses Day, hosted by Cystic Fibrosis WA.

Supporting Foodbank’s mission to reduce food waste and fight...

We had a thoroughly rewarding day volunteering in the Foodbank warehouse. Foodbank is a conduit between the food industry and the welfare sector, distributing food to the needy.

Perth team day out at the WA Archery Centre

The Perth Assetivity Team enjoyed a fun day out at the WA Archery Centre last Friday in Whiteman Park.

Brisbane team day at Belmont Shooting Complex

Our Brisbane team enjoyed a fun day out at Belmont Shooting Complex last Friday. Check out some of the photos from the day, Jan even got a bullseye!

We wrapped 1,120 roses for cystic fibrosis

Yesterday, the Perth Assetivity team broke their record for wrapping roses for Cystic Fibrosis WA.

We helped to provide safe drinking water in Uganda

Our team took part in a program that creates water filtration systems, and the filters we created are on their way to the village of Sironko in Uganda.

We helped Food Bank to feed the hungry

Food Bank relies heavily on volunteers like us to pack food orders and also do light warehouse duties. This month we packed meals to help the hungry in our...

Why we’d like to #thankanengineer

To celebrate Global Engineer Day, we compiled our thoughts on what has impressed us in terms of engineering innovation, and what influenced us to become engineers.

Paula completes triathlon for breast cancer

Paula Birdsall and her daughters took part in the Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink event yesterday, Sunday 8th November 2015.

We partnered with Mission Australia

On Friday 9th October, our Perth team created Christmas hampers and care packs for Mission Australia.

We helped wrap over 7,500 roses for cystic fibrosis

65 Roses Day was a great success this year in Perth with orders topping 7,500 roses - 2,000 more than last year.

Helping the homeless – Brisbane community day

Our Brisbane team worked together with Mission Australia to transform the front garden of Roma House into a more tranquil and homely space.

We put together care packs for Mission Australia’s Youth...

This month, our Brisbane team helped the community by giving their time to Mission Australia's Youth Beat Service.

Our Perth team assembled care packs for Mission Australia’s...

The most recent community day was dedicated to Mission Australia's Youth Beat Service where the team put together care packs and Christmas hampers.

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