ISO 55000 articles | Assetivity

Learn how to implement the international standard for asset management, ISO 55000.

The ISO 55000 series of asset management standards is the benchmark for world-class asset management processes, strategies and planning. For more articles about how to implement ISO 55000 and ISO 55001, consider subscribing to our newsletter.

What makes a good Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)?...

Let's take a detailed look at what a good Strategic Asset Management Plan document may look like for your organisation.

ISO 55001:2024 vs ISO 55001:2014 – A Comparison

In this article, we compare the most recent version of ISO 55001, published in 2024, with the previous version, published in 2014. The focus of this comparison is to...

ISO 55001 Gap Assessment for Hydro Tasmania

Hydro Tasmania’s aim was to assess its current level of compliance with ISO 55001, to be ready to align with the standard in the future.

ISO 55000:2024 vs ISO 55000:2014 – A Comparison

In this article, we compare the most recent version of ISO 55000, published in 2024, with the previous version, published in 2014. The first thing to note is that...

How to write a good asset management policy –...

Let's discuss the types of things that an asset management policy should contain, how long it should be, and how to develop one for your organisation.

How to develop an asset management plan

Let's look at arguably the most important document in any asset management system - the plan that captures the actions to be taken on each asset.

What is an “asset management culture”? – Implementing ISO...

While it is tempting to focus on processes and systems as being at the core of good asset management, the right behaviours and attitudes are also key.

ISO 55010, what’s it about?

Finance is an integral part of Asset Management. Value can be financial or non-financial, and achieving the balance between these requires coordination across an organisation.

How do I become an Asset Management Assessor?

To become a certified ISO 55001 auditor you need to meet the competences outlined in ISO 17021-5:2013 - Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management...

The vital importance of asset management objectives

Let's discuss the vital role that asset management objectives play in the asset management planning process. Without clear asset management objectives, you risk taking your organisation in the wrong...

Asset management strategy vs. Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)...

Let’s explore an approach that will generate a Strategic Asset Management Plan that is useful and usable, using the ISO 55001 and ISO 55002 standards.

What does a good asset management strategy look like?

In this article, we offer a detailed example of what a good asset management strategy may look like in the context of ISO 55000 and ISO 55001.

The complete guide to implementing ISO 55000

In this eBook we provide an overview of the ISO 55000 series of standards, and the value of implementing asset management systems, plans and strategies.

Asset Management vs Managing Assets – which is more...

In this paper, we draw on Assetivity's experience to illustrate this point from a real world example.

Aligning Asset Management Strategy with your Organisational Strategy

The ISO 55001 standard is all about having robust aligned and integrated processes to manage your assets in a coordinated fashion.

6 tips to sell your asset management vision to...

Let's explore how we might go about selling the vision for asset management, and engage with senior leadership so that they can provide ongoing support.

ISO 55001 Certification for Pioneer Energy

After completion of a readiness and gap assessment of Pioneer Energy’s asset management system, we continued to support its journey to ISO 55001 certification.

Evaluating Pioneer Energy’s Need for ISO 55001 Certification

Find out how we assisted Pioneer Energy in determining their requirement to certify to ISO 55001 given their existing ISO 9001 certification.

Asset Management Improvement for a Regional Airport Operator

We conducted an independent assessment of asset management maturity across ISO 55001 requirements, and provided a detailed improvement plan for the future.

Meeting asset management stakeholder needs and expectations

ISO 55001 places great emphasis on making sure that an organisation’s asset management system meets the needs and expectations of its stakeholders. Let's discuss why this is important.

ISO 55010:2019 has been published

This is a companion document associated with ISO 55001:2014, the global standard for asset management, that provides guidelines to enable organisations better understand why, and how alignment between these...

ISO 55000 frequently asked questions

In this 5 minute video, we answer four commonly asked questions regarding ISO 55000 - the international standard for asset management.

Linking asset management and quality: ISO 55000 & ISO...

Let's understand the synergies that exist between ISO 9000 and ISO 55001, and how they might reduce costs and increase the benefits of asset management systems.

Certification against ISO 55001 – Implementing ISO 55000

Let's discuss how to get your asset management system certified. This will be critical information if your organisation is aiming to align with ISO 55001.

Using ISO 55000 and integrated information systems to drive...

One of the key tenets of ISO 55000, the global asset management standard, is that organisations perform better when functions of the entire team are aligned.

The roadmap to ISO 55001 compliance – Implementing ISO...

Once you have committed to compliance with ISO 55001, you should gain an understanding of where the major gaps in your asset management system are.

Asset management data and decision making – Implementing ISO...

A vital element of effective asset management is decisions that are evidence-based and data-driven. Let's discuss these elements in the context of ISO 55001.

Asset management plans: less is more

Asset management is recognised as a critical contributor to value across a wide variety of industries. A shorter, simpler plan can often lead to ideal results.

Asset management competence – Implementing ISO 55000

First, we need to identify the current level of asset management competence, then bridge the gaps with the level of competence required of the position.

Key asset management processes – Implementing ISO 55000

The asset management planning and decision making process is a key process for successful asset management, but what other processes should we draw from?

Leadership organisation for effective asset management – Implementing ISO...

Let's explore how to build an asset management organisation, how to build an appropriate workforce structure, and how to lead it to success.

Integrating and aligning foundation documents – Implementing ISO 55000

Let's explore how to establish an integrated planning approach that will generate cohesive planning documents, based on what we’ve seen work (and fail) in practice.

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