Reliability centered maintenance & PMO articles | Assetivity

Explore the benefits of a reliability centered maintenance (RCM) process, and/or preventive maintenance optimisation (PMO).

These maintenance strategies can drive improvements in equipment reliability, uptime and performance, while making sure that every dollar spent on maintenance activities is used wisely. For more reliability articles, subscribe to our newsletter.

Why most RCM and PMO projects fail

The amount of effort required to implement a revised optimised maintenance program is often underestimated.

What is preventive maintenance optimisation (PMO)?

In preventive maintenance optimisation, the key objective is to review the current PM program, starting by assembling all of the tasks that it consists of.

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) vs preventive maintenance optimisation (PMO)

Let's compare reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and preventive maintenance optimisation (PMO), and determine which approach is best for you.

Introduction to the PF interval

This video introduces the PF Interval: one of the core principles that underpins reliability centred maintenance and preventive maintenance program development.

4 tips for maintenance productivity improvement

In this short video we give 4 practical tips that can help you to improve the productivity of your maintenance function.

7 tips to become a strong reliability leader: Moving...

It doesn’t matter where in the organisation structure you are, you have the capability to influence others - and this is at the core of leadership.

What does a reliability engineer do?

Reliability engineers should be focused on guidance, analysis and improvement - not on managing the day-to-day execution of maintenance tasks.

How to continuously improve your preventive maintenance program

It's ideal to embed continuous improvement of your preventive maintenance program as part of day to day business. Let's discuss how to make that happen.

What is the 5 whys technique?

The 5 Whys technique offers a simple, effective way to uncover the root of an issue. It is best used in troubleshooting and quality-improvement initiatives.

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in action: apron feeders

Let's use the example of apron feeder maintenance to illustrate how you might develop a better maintenance strategy for your key assets.

How to ensure a long-term strategic focus: Moving from...

Most maintenance organisations are looking to move from a repair-focused to reliability-focused culture, but how can we shift from one to the other?

We optimised our preventive maintenance without realising it

Review your preventive maintenance tasks. Commission a PMO process for your plant and equipment. You may be surprised at how much maintenance you don’t need to be doing.

What is reliability centered maintenance (RCM)?

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a powerful methodology which can drive significant improvements in equipment reliability and plant performance.

Is the PF Interval relevant in the world of...

With real-time asset health monitoring equipment, and the advent of predictive analytics and big data, is the PF Interval really relevant anymore?

Thinking holistically – 5 keys to lean maintenance and...

Let's think more broadly about factors that influence maintenance productivity, including the other departments that interact with maintenance.

Creating the environment for success – 5 keys to...

Changing organisational culture is difficult and takes considerable time. Let's discuss the methods of leadership and performance measures that can help.

Equipment criticality analysis: a streamlined approach

Let's explore a streamlined approach for determining equipment criticality, which achieves the desired results while consuming less of your time.

Continuous improvement – 5 keys to lean maintenance and...

If your maintenance function is already succeeding, there are three key areas in which continuous improvement can further improve maintenance productivity.

Equipment criticality analysis: is it a waste of time?

Most organisations identify "critical" assets extremely poorly, and the effort that they put into these assessments is mostly wasted. Let’s examine why.

Doing the work right – 5 keys to lean...

Once we’ve determined the work that needs to be done, the work needs to be executed efficiently and effectively to get the best from our limited resources.

Doing the right work – 5 keys to lean...

Even with mature preventive maintenance programs, there are opportunities to reduce maintenance time while simultaneously improving performance and reliability.

Alternative approaches for developing and optimising preventive maintenance

Let's explore a range of alternative approaches for organisations and individuals to use when developing and optimising preventive maintenance programs.

4 key reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and preventive maintenance...

Here are four core concepts which apply to the development of effective preventive maintenance programs, no matter what approach you use.

5 keys to lean maintenance and improved maintenance productivity

Many asset intensive companies do not understand that the principles of measuring productivity can be applied internally to their maintenance programs.

Maintenance plan development: template at your peril

Let's review the issues associated with template maintenance plans, to ensure that you achieve lower cost, higher reliability, and higher availability.

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