Facilities management consulting services | Assetivity

Ensure cost-efficient upkeep of your facilities.

Organisations in the facilities management sector typically own or manage buildings and facilities that deliver important services to the public. These include:

  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Courts, Police Stations and Jails
  • Office Buildings
  • Shopping Centres

The assets in the facilities management sector typically constitute a mix of long-lived assets whose condition deteriorates in a largely steady and predictable manner (e.g. concrete structures) and other assets where asset condition and failure cannot be so easily predicted (e.g. emergency power generating systems).

In the facilities management sector, forecasts of longer term demand for facilities, as well as shorter term expectations for levels of service is typically established by the asset “owner”. Establishing the plans and processes for meeting those objectives may be performed in-house, by the asset owning organisation, or may be outsourced to a specialist facilities management contractor. The delivery of asset operations and maintenance services is most often delivered by contractors.

Establishing clarity in the accountabilities and responsibilities in each of these roles, as well as ensuring that effective contractor management processes are in place are key for ensuring that money spent on the assets is spent effectively. There is still a need, however, for shorter term focus on improving reliability for critical assets, and on improving the cost effectiveness of maintenance activities.

We have also delivered training in asset management, maintenance and reliability improvement to the facilities management sector. Our experience in the facilities management sector includes work for both public and private sector organisations, for organisations that own and manage their own facilities, and for contractors that provide facilities management services. 

Our clients

Some of our past and present clients within the facilities management sector include:

  • Airservices Australia
  • Australian Rail Track Corporation
  • Brisbane Airport
  • Cairns Airport
  • Fremantle Ports
  • Gladstone Ports
  • Land Transport Authority (Singapore)
  • Patrick Terminals
  • Pilbara Port Authority
  • SCT Logistics
  • SMRT (Singapore)
  • Southern Ports Authority
  • Sydney Trains
  • TasPorts
  • Yarra Trams

Facilities management articles

Do you have effective maintenance planning?

Many organisations still struggle to make their maintenance planning and scheduling as effective as it should be. Here are a few tips that will help.

What makes a good Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)?…

Let’s take a detailed look at what a good Strategic Asset Management Plan document may look like for your organisation.

4 traits of an excellent maintenance team

We often hear companies say that people are their best asset. Why is it that the sum of good people and good systems does not always produce good performance?

10 tips for better maintenance planning and scheduling

Maintenance sits at the heart of any good asset management system. Here are 10 tips to start improving your work management and deliver results.

What is lean maintenance?

Lean maintenance is an approach to help identify and eliminate waste, and deliver bottom line improvements if implemented and managed in the right way.

ISO 55001:2024 vs ISO 55001:2014 – A Comparison

In this article, we compare the most recent version of ISO 55001, published in 2024, with the previous version, published in 2014. The focus of this comparison is to…

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